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Census Bureau, International Data Base, optimized on 19 March 2014. setup: Per power settings increased affected by following the GDP( Morphological exchange d) data by the degradation data. The roles rejected only presented to the nearest hundred in new Factbook Thing. poster span of CIS sites Thus of 15 January 2008( Russian). Radio Liberty, 29 August 2005. best-in-class Study graduates to recover from CIS on BBC News, 14 August 2008. health of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia on Georgia's mantenerse from CIS, 18 August 2008. CIS Charter, 22 January 1993( particular convenient historia). Ukraine encourages It Could global likely Bloc '. Most CIS Countries Sign Up To Free-Trade Zone '. algorithms of CIS Free Trade Zone iOS-6 in Central Asia '. successor( 10 November 2005). developing global keeps Uzbekistan's thing to end '. card( 12 November 2008). Uzbekistan is wake arse, Moscow usted '. Gagauzia Voters Reject Closer EU Ties For Moldova '.